Two Easy Ways to Get the Content You Want
Become A Member
As a Barre Now member, you get unlimited access to all Classes and Clips, each accompanied with written choreography and Spotify playlist. New content by our Barre Intensity Mater Trainers added monthly.
Not convinced? Watch a free class and you'll be hooked.
Billed monthly ($119.88 per year)
Paid once a year - save $29.86 per year
How do you want to pay?
Have a large group?
Shared access for your group on unlimited devices.
Continuing Education
Take part in our Barre Intensity Online Instructor Certification or one of our workshops. Whether you're looking to start your barre fitness career or further your education, we've got something for you.
$49.99and up
Each certification/workshop billed separately and not included in membership.